The Construction Industry Going Back To Work – Our Plan
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Sunday 10th May, which ‘instructed’ the construction industry to return to work, which has been underpinned by the publication of the ‘Our Plan to Rebuild’ The Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy and the subsequent publication of the COVID-19 Secure Guidance on Monday 11th May, we have taken the decision to re-instate weekly servicing and accepting of new orders, commencing from Monday 18th May. This means the fortnightly servicing schedule, which is currently in operation will cease on Friday 15th May, having completed one full fortnightly cycle.
We have developed and updated the necessary RAMS and are satisfied that all staff have and will have been re-briefed on how they are required to complete their day to day tasks safely on their return to work.
To assist you with this announcement we have also made the decision to allow any existing suspended contracts to remain suspended until the 31st May, should individuals wish.
However, if you have a contract which is currently suspended, and you would like it unsuspended prior to the 1st June, you just need to contact us, so we can re-activate it and include the contract in the most suitable weekly service route moving forward, although, be aware this is likely to be a different day to the one you had in place prior to lockdown starting at the end of March.
We have also made the decision that at Close of Business on Friday 29th May, any contracts that remain suspended will be put back ‘on hire’ from the 1st June and will incur normal hire charges from said date until they are off-hired by you in the normal way.
As always, should you have any questions relating to the re-instatement of our regular servicing programme, please could you in the first instance email and a member of the Hire Desk team will aim to respond to your query within one working day.
Your support and co-operation during these unprecedented times continues to be appreciated.
Stay Safe.